Tenders Below R 300 000
Bid documents are obtainable from the office of the Strategic Executive Director: Budget & Treasury Services, Municipal Offices 8 Church Street, DannHauser during office hours between 08h00 to 15h00 on the above mentioned dates.
Bid Number: | Description: | Document | Bid closing date: |
Quotation Number: RFQ/982 | SITING AND COSTING FOR BOREHOLE DRILLING IN WARD 2 | 09/14/2021 12:00 PM | |
Quotation Number: RFQ/978 | Dannhauser Municipality KZN 254 Date of Advert: 24/08/2021 Quotation Number: RFQ/978 Description: DESIGN OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL PRECINT IN WARD 2 Kindly furnish us with a written quotation for the supply of the goods/services as detailed in the enclosed schedule. The quotation must be submitted on the letter head of your business no later than, 02 SEPTEMBER 2021 at 12H00. Quotation are to be submitted in a sealed envelope; clearly marked âQuotation number & Descriptionâ must be deposited in the tender box situated at the reception area of Dannhauser Municipality offices, 8 church street, Dannhauser 3080 The following conditions will apply: âĒ Price(s) quoted must be valid for at least thirty (30) days from date of your offer. âĒ Price(s) quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT. âĒ A firm delivery period must be indicated. âĒ Bidders must include their certified BBBEE certificate copy (MBD 6.1). âĒ Bidders must include both original Tax Compliance Certificate (SARS Pin). âĒ This quotation will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preference point system as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (No 5 of 2000) and for this purpose the enclosed forms MBD 4, MBD 6.1, MBD 8 & MBD 9 must be scrutinized, completed and submitted together with your quotation. (MBD forms are available from SCM office & from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za under Budget then scm forms) âĒ Bidders must be registered on the Central Supplier Database and proof of registration must be submitted. âĒ The successful provider will be the one scoring the highest points. âĒ Preference will first be made to local service providers. âĒ Bidders are required to submit their most recent municipal accounts for their business location or their personal residence account i.e. rates/refuse or Proof of residence for those who reside in rural areas. âĒ Bidders must fill in the RFQ register stating the date and time of when they submitted their RFQs, available at the tender box. âĒ Bidders must be registered on The Dannhauser Municipality Suppliers database, forms are available from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za & from reception. âĒ Dannhauser Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest, or any quote. âĒ The Municipality reserves the right to withdraw any invitation to quotations/proposal and/or to re-advertise or to reject any quotations/proposal or to accept a part of it. âĒ The municipality reserve the right to appoint a portion or split the service to a service provider. âĒ The Municipality does not bind itself to accepting the lowest quotations/proposal or award a contract to the bidder scoring the highest number of points. NB: No quotations will be considered from persons in the service of the state Failure to comply with these conditions may invalidate your offer. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: QUOTATIONS FROM SUITABLE AND QUALIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS AS PER BELOW SCHEDULE: DESIGN OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL PRECINT IN WARD 2 EVALUATION CRITERIA 1.Terms of Reference and Scope of Work The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TOR) is to outline the requirements for Design of Stormwater Drainage in Dannhauser ward 2 Industrial. Hence the exercise to design a proper drainage system. It is envisaged that the scope of work will entail the following ï§ Methodology and approach ï§ Detailed design report (Draft and Final) ï§ Construction Drawings for implementation ï§ Detailed & Quantified Bill of Quantity with indicative budget costing 2. Competency/ Expertise Requirements âĒ Qualified and ECSA registered Civil Engineer with atleast 10 years experience in stormwater/ civil design related work and construction as well as project management experience. (30) âĒ Environmental Management/ Town Planning Specialist with professional registration at SACPLAN (South African Council for Planners); (10) âĒ Geotech Specialist/ Geologist with post graduate from a recognized tertiary institution and registration with professional body; (10) âĒ Qualified Quantity Surveyor atleast 10 years experience and professionally registered with The Association of South African Surveyors; (10) âĒ A project manager with sound project management qualifications and experience with registration with Project Management Institute (PMI) as a Project Management Professional (PMP); (20) âĒ Understanding and knowledge of the legislative and policy framework relating to stormwater management and disaster management; âĒ Knowledge and experience in undertaking similar projects â with 3 or more traceable reference to be submitted to be submitted with completion letters or certificates; (20) Must have a minimum of 2 yearsâ experience in the field and preferably provide references of previous work done. NB: Bidders must at least score 75 points or more to qualify for last stage (pricing). DELIVERY ADDRESS: 08 Church Street, Dannhauser, for more info please contact Mr Sibusiso Nkabinde: Manager Town Planer on 034 621 2666 ext 0745 between 07H30 and 16H00 with lunch interval of 13H00 to 13H30. * MSCM Regulations: âin the service of the stateâ means to be â (a) a member of â (i) any municipal council; (ii) any provincial legislature; or (iii) the national Assembly or the national Council of provinces; (b) ““““““`rd of directors of any municipal entity; (c) an official of any municipality or municipal entity; (d) an employee of any national or provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No.1 of 1999); (e) a member of the accounting authority of any national or provincial public entity; or (f) An employee of Parliament or a provincial legislature. | 09/02/2021 12:00 PM | |
Quotation Number: RFQ/981 | Dannhauser Municipality KZN 254 Date of Advert: 31/08/2021 Quotation Number: RFQ/981 Description: SUPPLY AND DELIVER STATIONERY FOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT Kindly furnish us with a written quotation for the supply of the goods/services as detailed in the enclosed schedule. The quotation must be submitted on the letter head of your business no later than, 09 SEPTEMBER 2021 at 12H00. Quotation are to be submitted in a sealed envelope; clearly marked âQuotation number & Descriptionâ must be deposited in the tender box situated at the reception area of Dannhauser Municipality offices, 8 church street, Dannhauser 3080 The following conditions will apply: âĒ Price(s) quoted must be valid for at least thirty (30) days from date of your offer. âĒ Price(s) quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT. âĒ A firm delivery period must be indicated. âĒ Bidders must include their certified BBBEE certificate copy (MBD 6.1). âĒ Bidders must include both original Tax Compliance Certificate (SARS Pin). âĒ This quotation will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preference point system as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (No 5 of 2000) and for this purpose the enclosed forms MBD 4, MBD 6.1, MBD 8 & MBD 9 must be scrutinized, completed and submitted together with your quotation. (MBD forms are available from SCM office & from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za under Budget then scm forms) âĒ Bidders must be registered on the Central Supplier Database and proof of registration must be submitted. âĒ The successful provider will be the one scoring the highest points. âĒ Preference will first be made to local service providers. âĒ Bidders are required to submit their most recent municipal accounts for their business location or their personal residence account i.e. rates/refuse or Proof of residence for those who reside in rural areas. âĒ Bidders must fill in the RFQ register stating the date and time of when they submitted their RFQs, available at the tender box. âĒ Bidders must be registered on The Dannhauser Municipality Suppliers database, forms are available from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za & from reception. âĒ Dannhauser Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest, or any quote. âĒ The Municipality reserves the right to withdraw any invitation to quotations/proposal and/or to re-advertise or to reject any quotations/proposal or to accept a part of it. âĒ The municipality reserve the right to appoint a portion or split the service to a service provider. âĒ The Municipality does not bind itself to accepting the lowest quotations/proposal or award a contract to the bidder scoring the highest number of points. NB: No quotations will be considered from persons in the service of the state Failure to comply with these conditions may invalidate your offer. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: QUOTATIONS FROM SUITABLE AND QUALIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS AS PER BELOW SCHEDULE: SUPPLY AND DELIVER STATIONERY FOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT As per attached spec DELIVERY ADDRESS: 08 Church Street, Dannhauser, for more info please contact: Mr Joe Hlongwane: Accountant Revenue on 034 621 2666 ext 0717 with lunch interval of 13H00 to 13H30. * MSCM Regulations: âin the service of the stateâ means to be â (a) a member of â (i) any municipal council; (ii) any provincial legislature; or (iii) the national Assembly or the national Council of provinces; (b) ““““““`rd of directors of any municipal entity; (c) an official of any municipality or municipal entity; (d) an employee of any national or provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No.1 of 1999); (e) a member of the accounting authority of any national or provincial public entity; or (f) An employee of Parliament or a provincial legislature | 09/09/2021 12:00 PM | |
Quotation Number: RFQ/977 | Dannhauser Municipality KZN 254 Date of RE-ADVERTISEMENT: 31/08/2021 Quotation Number: RFQ/977 Description: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF UNIFORM FOR TRAFFIC OFFICERS Kindly furnish us with a written quotation for the supply of the goods/services as detailed in the enclosed schedule. The quotation must be submitted on the letter head of your business no later than, 09 SEPTEMBER 2021 at 12H00. Quotation are to be submitted in a sealed envelope; clearly marked âQuotation number & Descriptionâ must be deposited in the tender box situated at the reception area of Dannhauser Municipality offices, 8 church street, Dannhauser 3080 The following conditions will apply: âĒ Price(s) quoted must be valid for at least thirty (30) days from date of your offer. âĒ Price(s) quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT. âĒ A firm delivery period must be indicated. âĒ Bidders must include their certified BBBEE certificate copy (MBD 6.1). âĒ Bidders must include both original Tax Compliance Certificate (SARS Pin). âĒ This quotation will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preference point system as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (No 5 of 2000) and for this purpose the enclosed forms MBD 4, MBD 6.1, MBD 8 & MBD 9 must be scrutinized, completed and submitted together with your quotation. (MBD forms are available from SCM office & from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za under Budget then scm forms) âĒ MBD 6.2, Annexure C, D &E must be scrutinized, completed and submitted together with your quotation for Local Content purposes. Forms are available from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za & from SCM office âĒ Only locally produced or locally manufactured Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear from local raw material or input will be considered âĒ Bidders must be registered on the Central Supplier Database and proof of registration must be submitted. âĒ The successful provider will be the one scoring the highest points. âĒ Preference will first be made to local service providers. âĒ Bidders are required to submit their most recent municipal accounts for their business location or their personal residence account i.e. rates/refuse or Proof of residence for those who reside in rural areas. âĒ Bidders must fill in the RFQ register stating the date and time of when they submitted their RFQs, available at the tender box. âĒ Bidders must be registered on The Dannhauser Municipality Suppliers database, forms are available from the website www.dannhauser.gov.za & from reception. âĒ Dannhauser Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest, or any quote. âĒ The Municipality reserves the right to withdraw any invitation to quotations/proposal and/or to re-advertise or to reject any quotations/proposal or to accept a part of it. âĒ The municipality reserve the right to appoint a portion or split the service to a service provider. âĒ The Municipality does not bind itself to accepting the lowest quotations/proposal or award a contract to the bidder scoring the highest number of points. NB: No quotations will be considered from persons in the service of the state Failure to comply with these conditions may invalidate your offer. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: QUOTATIONS FROM SUITABLE AND QUALIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS AS PER BELOW SCHEDULE: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF UNIFORM FOR TRAFFIC OFFICERS COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Dannhauser Local Municipality No. 8 Church street Dannhauser Date : 06 September 2021 Time : 10:00 DELIVERY ADDRESS: 08 Church Street, Dannhauser, for more info please contact Mrs Lungelo Gcabashe: Manager engineering services on 034 621 2666 ext 0738 between 07H30 and 16H00 with lunch interval of 13H00 to 13H30. * MSCM Regulations: âin the service of the stateâ means to be â (a) a member of â (i) any municipal council; (ii) any provincial legislature; or (iii) the national Assembly or the national Council of provinces; (b) ““““““`rd of directors of any municipal entity; (c) an official of any municipality or municipal entity; (d) an employee of any national or provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No.1 of 1999); (e) a member of the accounting authority of any national or provincial public entity; or (f) An employee of Parliament or a provincial legislature. | 09/09/2021 12:00 PM | |
Quotation Number: RFQ/970 | FENCING OF LANDFILL CELL | 08/10/2021 1:30 PM |