Planning and Economic Development is a newly established department under Miss Noxolo Ndaba, which consist of Town Planning unit, Geographic Information Systems, Local Economic Development, Building Inspectorate and Housing unit.
1.The Department Seek To
Facilitate the provision of sustainable human settlements
- Support and promote development of SMMEâs
- Ensure business regulations compliance and enforcement of town bylaws
- Resuscitation of agriculture and tourism industry
- Promote investment through public and private partnership
- Enable conducive environment that will attract investment and instill investment confidence
- Increase trade linkages both private and government addressing value chain
- Strengthen planning and economic development intergovernmental relation within Amajuba District and other external stakeholders
- Guide and inform Regulatory of Statutory development application through land use planning and spatial development frameworks
2.Sector Plans
- Spatial Development Framework
- Land Use Management Scheme
- Housing Sector Plan
- Local economic Development Strategy
- Building Bylaws
- SPLUMA Bylaws
- GIS Policy