The municipality has developed a Public Participation Policy, under the Office of the Speaker. The
policy reflects on a few tools that local government uses to communicate with the public, these
include: IDP/Budget Roadshows and Constituency Meetings. Constituency Meetings are held on a
quarterly basis and focus on ensuring that the Ward Councillor reports back to the local community
on a quarterly basis. The Councillor reports on issues relating to progress made in the Ward and also
reports on projects that are at planning or implementation phase.
Operation Sukuma Sakhe
Dannhauser Municipality has successfully rolled-out operation âSukuma Sakheâ within its area of
jurisdiction. Operation Sukuma Sakhe Programme (formerly known as the Flagship Programme) seeks
to address food security, fight diseases, in particular HIV, AIDS and TB, and poverty, to empower
women and youth, and to instill behavioural change amongst the citizens of the province. The
formulation of this 3rd Generation IDP has adopted the principles of the Operation Sukuma Sakhe
Program. Operation Sukuma Sakhe has a ‘whole of Government approach’ as its philosophical basis.
It spells out every initiative and how it links to initiatives being implemented by the different sector
departments and the different spheres of government. It also provides an indication of how the
delivery of services can be undertaken through partnerships with the community, stakeholders and
government. Operation Sukuma Sakhe is a continuous interaction between Government and the
community to come together to achieve the 12 National Outcomes. The program encourages social
mobilization, whereby communities have a role, as well as the delivery of government services in a
more integrated way. The municipality has the following system or tools for public participation: